Not Assigned
Hydrogen technology, Hydrogen energy systems, Hydrogen project development, Hydrogen storage, Energy policy, Offshore wind project development, Wind resource assessment, Bottom-fixed foundations, Floating foundations, Vibration control, Time-frequency analysis, Project management
Dr Nguyen Dinh is the Global Head of Power-to-X and Hydrogen at OWC and Principal at OWC Ireland and OWC Vietnam.
Nguyen has more than 20 years of experience with expertise in several areas, including hydrogen, offshore wind, and infrastructure engineering. Since joining OWC, Nguyen has worked together with the wider ABL Group and supported the continuous growth of a strong hydrogen team and services.
Prior to joining OWC, he worked at Ireland’s National Marine Renewable Energy (MaREI) Centre and was a principal investigator (director) of several industry research projects in hydrogen production from offshore wind farms, superconducting power cables for marine applications, offshore wind substructures, and floating wind pilot. He successfully managed the pivotal EirWind project, and a consortium of multi-disciplinary research teams and experts from 10 companies developed the Irish offshore wind energy blueprint 2020 – 2050, including hydrogen production. Prior to that, he was a senior engineer at Wood Plc and a European Marie-Curie experienced researcher at Trinity College Dublin and developed controllers and coupled modelling methods for floating offshore wind and wave energy converters and for time-frequency analysis of structures under nonstationary excitations. Before that, he worked in The Netherlands, South Korea, and Thailand. Nguyen has also provided support for national offshore wind energy development in Vietnam since 2015, including international experience review; policy recommendations; zoning; resource assessment; evaluation of infrastructure including power grid and ports; training; and technical due diligence.
Nguyen is a member of the RenewableUK’s Green Hydrogen Working Group and a member of FLOSH (Floating Offshore Wind, Super Grid and Hydrogen) Committee of Wind Energy Ireland. He is currently the Marine Hydrogen Energy Specialist for the Asian Development Bank (ADB), representing ABL Group in a two-year project supporting the identification of investment for green hydrogen projects in the Pacific, frameworks to facilitate large-scale investment and mechanisms to accelerate financing.
Nguyen holds a BEng with distinction from the National University of Civil Engineering, Vietnam, a MEng, and a PhD in Engineering from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand. The outcome of his PhD won the Mitsui-Sumitomo Insurance Welfare Foundation Research Award in 2009.