Johan Coronado

Johan Coronado

Head of Geotechnical Engineering





Johan Coronado has worked as a geotechnical consultant since 2012, focusing on Offshore Wind for the last five years. He has worked on several wind farm projects in The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Taiwan and Japan, with a focus on geotechnical engineering design reviews, seismic assessments, desktop studies and development of project geosciences strategies and programmes. Key experience includes geoscience package management, planning and management of site investigations, site characterisation, ground model development, foundation design, Jack-up leg penetration analyses, pile driveability analyses, liquefaction assessments and seismic hazard assessments.

Prior to joining OWC, Johan worked as a geotechnical engineer leading projects, mainly for the Oil and Gas industry in Venezuela. Johan’s PhD research on enhancement of seismic resilience in urban environments included a collaborative program with EDF (Electricite de France) Lab Paris-Saclay and SPI (Stangenberg und Partner Ingenieur-GmbH) in the European project LOSSVAR to assess the influence of random soil variability in the study of soil structure interaction problems. He specialised in non-localised vibration control strategies, 2D and 3D FE analysis of the dynamic cross-interaction of groups of structures coupled with and through the soil as well as time-domain parameter identification techniques for the definition of equivalent simplified models.