OWC tasked with floating wind technology review
OWC (an AqualisBraemar company) has been awarded a contract to conduct a full floating wind technology review. The aim of the study is to identify the most suitable of the currently available floating wind concepts globally for use within the wind farm location. The client is undisclosed.
OWC closely follows the development of around 40 technology solutions for floating wind platforms. Under this contract, OWC will assess the technology readiness level of each. OWC will thereafter specify concept leaders measured against a number of technological and operational factors.

“We have been involved with floating offshore wind since its inception and are delighted to see how this market has erupted in recent years. Whilst we have been privileged to work on a number of early floating projects to date, the industry is still evolving – and choosing the right technology therefore remains absolutely vital for developers. Our review will be forward-looking beyond year 2030+ to provide our client with the long-term outlook they require when planning well ahead,”
Will Cleverly, managing director
OWC will execute the project using its personnel with experience from offshore floating wind projects worldwide, including specialists from its offices in Taiwan and London, UK.
“To be awarded this technology review project on the back of numerous other floating offshore wind contracts, positions us as the go-to floating consultancy, and is an accomplishment we are very proud of,” adds Cleverly.
OWC is an independent technical advisor, engineering and project management consultancy to the offshore renewables sector. The company is part of Oslo-listed energy consultancy group AqualisBraemar ASA.
For further media enquiries, please contact:
Endre Johansen, Corporate Communications AS
Telephone: +47 41 61 06 05
Email: endre.johansen@corpcom.no
About AqualisBraemar ASA
AqualisBraemar ASA (OSE: Aqua) offers independent consultancy services to the offshore energy (oil & gas and renewables), shipping and insurance industries. The group employs specialist engineers, naval architects, master mariners, loss adjusters and technical consultants in 33 countries worldwide. AqualisBraemar ASA operates under three brands:
- AqualisBraemar: a leading adjusting, marine and offshore consultancy to the energy, shipping and insurance industries
- AqualisBraemar Yacht Services: a specialised marine consultant to the superyacht market
- OWC: an independent consultancy to the offshore renewables sector