ScotWind Offshore Wind Leasing Round
Project title: ScotWind Offshore Wind Leasing Round
Project location: Scotland, UK
Client: Renantis
Project Summary: Beginning in summer of 2020, OWC and ABL Group provided full bid management and structuring for BlueFloat and Falck Renewable’s (now named Renantis) Joint Venture in the ScotWind leasing round. Our clients successfully won three bids and secured seabed lease areas with a total offshore wind capacity of 3.1 GW. OWC has kept supporting the projects in development activities and offshore surveys.
About the projects
The ScotWind leasing round, hosted by Crown Estate Scotland, was the world’s largest commercial round for floating offshore wind and a huge step forward in putting large-scale floating wind technology on the map at gigawatt scale. The ScotWind leasing round saw 74 applications and the consortia advised by OWC won three projects. Two projects were won alone, 900 MW Broadshore and 1.2GW Bellrock projects, and one in collaboration with Ørsted, 1GW Stromar project. The projects, now under development, aim to be commissioned by 2030-35.
ScotWind was one of the largest floating wind lease rounds, presenting unique obstacles to our Client including:
- New market
- Highly competitive auction
- Complex bid award criteria
- Tight bid submission timeline
- New technology, floating wind, in complex site conditions (projects far from shore, severe metocean conditions)
ScotWind awarded sites

Projects awarded to OWC highlighted above
Our scope of work
OWC’s scope of our work included site selection and assessment, bid strategy, management, structuring and writing, concept design, supply chain and port studies, stakeholder engagement, cost estimation, and innovation ideation and structuring.
Bid strategy
- Leading and defining the Client’s bid strategy, exploiting their advantages reading the competitive scenario
Selection of bid documents:
- Feasibility studies
- Project development plans
- Supply chain development statement
- Development budgets
Site selection
- Report to select the sites that were bid on by the consortia
Technical studies
- Detailed cost estimations,
- Desktop ground conditions assessments,
- Weather downtime assessment,
- Ports review
Stakeholder engagement
- Led meetings with Scottish ports, key fabrication contractors, electricity transmission owners in Scotland, renewable energy trading bodies and supply chain associations
3 project sites
3.1 GW
Value added
Working as one team during the intensive preparation of the bids.
Bid structuring and controls, continuous challenger role.
Local team with leading technical knowledge in floating wind and expertise in the Scottish offshore wind and energy sectors.